
Catherine Abihudi - a Pastor, Teacher, Counselor and Mentor of many Kingdom leaders and couples

A fearless, witty, down to earth, transformational leader, she founded Raising Daughters of Abraham International (RADOA) to “raise a generation of courageous and informed ladies who embrace their uniqueness and fearlessly deploy their potential to better their lives, families and communities.”

Placing the Word of God as the highest authority, and the family, as the unit God works through, she calls parents, individuals, organizations, and communities “to nurture young ladies to full potential through sound biblical-based education, connection to market resources, and action against discrimination.”

A Masterful Storyteller, Catherine is also a Public Speaker, Event Host, and Interpreter. Her ministry has directly reached over 150,000 through conferences and seminars, and impacted millions more through radio, television and social media.

Catherine holds a Master in Pastoral Leadership and a Bachelor of Arts in Communication, both from Evangel University in Missouri, U.S.A.


Catherine is married to Charles Abihudi, the Senior Pastor of their ministry, Calvary International Gospel Church and together they have 5 children. Originally from Tanzania, East Africa, the Abihudi Family now resides in Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.

Here’s how “Your Story, His Glory” has already impacted others for the glory of God:


“Unlikely. No, beyond unlikely. No, “IMPOSSIBLE!" That is the exclamation throughout Catherine’s book showing the provision, the leading, and the orchestrating of events that God has performed for Catherine throughout her life. Catherine shares how her mother’s earnest prayers set her upon the path of having a love for the things of God. As a child, her playful staring contests with her dad gave her the confidence later in life to look people in the eyes when she faced opposition to her convictions. She prepared for ministry and followed the desires God had put in her heart. And then entered Charles.

“Pastor Catherine invites us all, men and women, boys and girls, to caste of all restraints and choose to partner with God. To come as we are, from whatever background, and whatever field, to sign up for God’s adventure of a lifetime. When we do, we will see Him do “what no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, what no mind has conceived.”

Are you ready to make “Your Story, His Glory”?”


I have never read anything like this! And it’s not the book, it’s the true stories behind the book that are larger than life - God-sized. Pastor Catherine’s life leads us to actually believe that you can choose a life of total surrender, child-like faith, unwavering trust, and obedience to God, and just like His Word says, you will see, God do the “IM-POSS-IBLE” for you to fulfill His purpose and plan for your life.


While reading “Your Story, His Glory”, my wounds were healed, my faith was built, my relationship with God strengthened and over again, as I opened my heart to dare to believe and receive God’s best for me. God has a larger than life - a God-sized destiny for too. He wants to make “Your Story, His Glory”.

— Modesta M. Mbughuni

“At the conclusion of each chapter is a “Reflection” which uses questions and scripture to bring the contents to a personal level for the reader. God is honored in this story. It is ongoing and it isn’t over yet. Her story, His Glory!”

— Christine Hammar